Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Challenging Social Self Environment and Development Support

It is amazing how easily humans find it to put off the challenging concepts of relationships and

love. This has just become a phenomenon that will take care of them with no serious thought. They

should aware of the fact that a loving relationship can nourish human behavior to be positive and

long lasting and give their lives a more fundamental meaning.

Challenge yourself to a loving relationship in which you can be yourself, even your loved one. Be

able to laugh; cry; love life; love yourself and in return be loved back. This relationship would be

based upon freedom and would never grow into a jealous heart. You can totally be yourself, be

accepted and understood; Trusted and respected as a valuable human being. This is a challenging

effort to provide a caring and secure environment so that one can share all their fears and hopes

and be encouraged to grow and learn.

Enjoy the challenge of a loving relationship that offers one comfort in the present of another.

Through words or body language you share mutual trust; honesty; devotion; and that special thrill of

being together. Accept the other person into your relationship as being whole and you will receive

the same acceptance.

The challenge of the social self will let you see that in a loving relationship you’re beloved one as

being unique; forever becoming and a beautiful individual. This will allow you and your loved one to

find that special “I” , which allows the blending of yourselves without the fear of loss of self.

A loving relationship will challenge you to an active change into a bonding reciprocal , which

encourages and almost demands the qualities necessary to show your lover you can be all he or she

wants you to be and in return be they will be able to do the same.

There should be no doubt that you want a strong and more creative way of loving each other. This is

obvious a challenge to accomplish and exert all the necessary effort involved. This challenge will

not be an easy one, but it will help if you are to continue in knowing yourself.

Don’t find yourself with so much and still suffer from one of the most dangerous states of poverty;

the inability to express your love with an open and honest affection and without fear. It takes very

little to open your arms up to another. This is one of the most important challenges you must take.

Take a challenge together in your loving relationship. This would allow both parties to feel loved

and accepted that you can share all of your inner most feelings; dreams; and your successes. This is

a give and take challenge. Both parties will find this as an equal importance to the growth of your


Enjoy the trust and acceptance of each other. You will find that it creates a warm loving sense of

security and contentment. Both parties involved will find unlimited support and strength upon they

can always draw from.

With each challenge a relationship will grow with understanding and a loving acceptance to each

other’s differences, which will encourage each party involved to reach out and share as much beauty

and love as there is possible to find.

It is very obvious that each challenge is rather exciting in a relationship. This should remain

defined in your mind and agreed upon by each individual involved in the relationship. Each of you

will find that it requires more trust; commitment; and total honesty. For some it may mean a less

restrictive involvement. You should always think of the constellation of all the possibilities before

you ever tell another to, “Come into your life.”

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